1986 – 1994
The Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) program prepares high school students for leadership roles while making them aware of their rights, responsibilities, and privileges as American citizens. It is a stimuli for promoting graduation from high school and it provides instruction and rewarding opportunities which will benefit the student, community, and nation. JROTC teaches young men and women the kind of self discipline, self-confidence, and leadership skills that can help them successfully meet the challenges of adulthood. This program is conducted at accredited secondary schools throughout the nation, by instructors who are retired Navy, Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard officers and enlisted personnel.
The JROTC curriculum emphasizes citizenship, character development, leadership development and community service. Education classes introduce cadets to the elements of Leadership, Drill instruction and ceremonies, military customs, Uniform Inspections, Physical Fitness Training, Marksmanship, and Military history. Classroom instruction is augmented throughout the year by community service activities, drill competition, field trips, marksmanship training, and other extra-curricular activities. Cadets are required to participate in civic service, wear a uniform and dress up at least twice a month. Uniforms, textbooks, training aids, and a substantial portion of instructors‘ salaries are provided by the Military. The programs, run through the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines, are taught as elective courses at more than 3,000 high schools Worldwide.